word scramble help,


The first and last words probably end in ing. Please look through your book or other materials to find these math vocabulary words.

I checked a couple of these words in a standard word unscrambling site, but they weren't included there.

line segment

ordered pair
greater than
square root
right angle

Here are the unscrambled words:

1. enitmelgens = gentlemen
2. reaoprddrie = reproduced
3. gteernartha = gatherer
4. ouoetrrsaq = queasorout
5. girlteahng = highlighting

To solve word scrambles, you can try the following techniques:

1. Rearrange the letters: Start by rearranging the letters in different ways to see if any recognizable words emerge. This can be done manually or by using online or mobile apps specifically designed for word scrambles or anagrams.

2. Identify prefixes and suffixes: Look for common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-) or suffixes (-ing, -ed, -er). By recognizing these parts of words, you can begin to form the original word.

Now, let's unscramble the words you provided:

1. enitmelgens: This word unscrambles to "listening".
2. reaoprddrie: This word unscrambles to "paradise".
3. gteernartha: This word unscrambles to "earthquake".
4. ouoetrrsaq: This word unscrambles to "torqueous".
5. girlteahng: This word unscrambles to "highlighter".

Remember, word scrambles can often have multiple solutions, so if you come up with an alternative answer, it might still be correct.