Find the precision for 120 meters

To find the precision for 120 meters, we need to know the level of accuracy or the uncertainty associated with this measurement. Precision refers to the level of detail or exactness of a measurement. It is typically quantified by the number of significant figures or decimal places in the measurement.

If the measurement of 120 meters is precise to the nearest meter, the precision would be 1 meter. This means that the actual value of the distance could be anywhere between 119.5 meters and 120.5 meters.

However, if the measurement is precise to a higher level, for example, precise to the nearest 0.1 meter, the precision would be 0.1 meter. This means that the actual value of the distance could range from 119.95 meters to 120.05 meters.

So, without additional information about the level of precision or accuracy, it is difficult to determine the precise value for the precision of 120 meters.

You will need to put your question in context.

If you mean 120 meters and you have counted them then +/-1 uncertainty may be appropriate, but I can't see how this fits with geometry.