What makes a character in a book static or dynamic?


Static characters don't go through any significant changes throughout the course of the book. They are basically the same person at the end that they were at the beginning.

A dynamic character does go through a significant change. (Typically, main characters fit this description.) They learn something that changes their life forever.

Hope that helps. If you need clarification, just ask.


A static character in a book is one that does not undergo significant change or growth throughout the story. On the other hand, a dynamic character undergoes a significant transformation in personality, beliefs, or values.

To determine whether a character is static or dynamic, you can examine their development and progression throughout the book. Look for changes in their thoughts, actions, or behavior as the story unfolds.

Here's how you can identify a static character:
1. Consider their initial traits: Static characters often possess a consistent set of traits or characteristics from the beginning to the end of the story.
2. Look for minimal change: If the character's beliefs, values, or personality remain largely unchanged throughout the book, it suggests that they are static. They may maintain the same attitudes and motivations, causing little impact on the overall story.
3. Review their role: Static characters often serve as a contrast to the dynamic characters, highlighting the transformations and growth occurring around them.

On the other hand, here are some indicators of a dynamic character:
1. Observe changes in beliefs or values: Dynamic characters experience shifts in their beliefs, attitudes, or values as they encounter new situations or gain new insights throughout the story.
2. Note behavioral or emotional changes: If a character's actions or emotions change significantly over time due to the events in the narrative, it suggests their dynamic nature.
3. Examine impacts on the plot: Dynamic characters often play crucial roles in the story's progression, as their transformations can influence the outcome or resolution.

Remember, determining a character's static or dynamic nature requires a careful reading of the book, analyzing how the character evolves or remains consistent throughout the narrative.