The population increased 80 percent in 5 years. The current population is 18,000. find five years ago.

18,000 * 0.80 = 14,400
18,000 - 14,400 = 3,600

3,600 is the population five years ago?

to check:

3,600 * 5 = 18,000

Is 3,600 the correct answer. Was this problem done correctly?

No, you did not do it correctly.

Let X be the population 5 years ago.
X*(1.8) = 18,000
X = 10,000

A city's population is currently 22,000 and is growing by 4.6% each year. In how many years will the town's population reach 55,000?

Yes, the problem was done correctly. The population five years ago was indeed 3,600. To arrive at this answer, you used the fact that the population increased by 80 percent in five years.

To calculate the increase, you multiplied the current population (18,000) by the increase percentage (80 percent), which gives you 14,400.

Then, to find the population five years ago, you subtracted the increase (14,400) from the current population (18,000), resulting in 3,600.

To check your answer, you multiplied the population five years ago (3,600) by the number of years (5), which gives you the current population (18,000).

Therefore, 3,600 is indeed the correct answer.