An average human heart rate is 70 beats per minute. How many times it beats over 70 year lifetime? use scientific notation.

365 = the number of days in a year

70 years /1 * 365 days / year = 25,550
25,550/1 * 24 hours/ day = 613,200
613,200/1 * 60 minutes/ hour =36,792,000
70 beats/ minute * 36,792,000/1 = 2,575,440,000 beats / minute in a 70 year lifespan.

Then in scientific notation i got 2.57544 X 10^9

I was wondering if this is correct?

ok except I would use at the most 3 significant figures which would round the answer to 2.58 x 10^9.


Your calculations are correct!

To find the number of times the heart beats over a 70-year lifetime, you started by multiplying the number of years (70) by the number of days in a year (365) to get 25,550. Then you multiplied that by the number of hours in a day (24) to get 613,200. Next, you multiplied by the number of minutes in an hour (60) to get 36,792,000. Finally, you multiplied that by the average heart rate (70 beats per minute) to get a total of 2,575,440,000 beats.

To express this value in scientific notation, you wrote it as 2.57544 x 10^9. This means that you move the decimal point 9 places to the right, resulting in a number that is approximately 2.57544 billion.

Great job on your calculations!