Is this an example of underextension or

an example of overextension:

Davis went to the park with his Dad
and their dog,Sport. Davis saw lots
of other dogs,pointed at them,and said,

Was Davis showing underextension or

What do underextension and overextension mean in this context?

What do you think is the answer?

I am thinking its an example

of underextension.

In order to determine whether Davis was showing underextension or overextension, we first need to understand what these terms mean.

Underextension is a language development phenomenon where a child uses a word in a very limited or specific way, rather than using it to refer to a broader category of things. For example, if a child only uses the word "cat" to refer to their own pet cat and does not use it to refer to other cats, that would be an example of underextension.

On the other hand, overextension is when a child uses a word in an overly broad or generalized way, extending its meaning to include things that do not conventionally belong to that category. For example, if a child uses the word "dog" to refer to any four-legged animal, including cats and rabbits, that would be an example of overextension.

In the given scenario, Davis saw multiple dogs in the park and pointed at them while saying "Sport," which is the name of their family dog. Based on this information, it seems like Davis is using the word "Sport" in an overextended manner because he is extending the use of the word to include other dogs as well.

Therefore, the example you provided is an example of overextension.