which best describes the relationship between the lines with equations 8x+y=6 and 16x+2y=0.... please help me...

are you supposed to graph the equations?

yeah i do have a graphing calculator...TI-83... but when i go to type in the equation it is like y= , so how would i type it in??

i got y=-8x+6 and i 4got how to isolate the y in the other one..

Yes the first one is correct

the second one

y= (-16x/2)

Try that in the calculator

i typed it in & in the graph it is 2 line that will never intercept... which means it its parallel


o0o0... i didn't see u had already posted something but thank u soooo much...

Notice the lines have the same slope: they are parallel.

To determine the relationship between two lines, we need to analyze their equations.

The given equations are:
1) 8x + y = 6
2) 16x + 2y = 0

We should start by simplifying the equations. Both equations have a coefficient of 2 in the second term, so we can divide the entire second equation by 2 to get:

1) 8x + y = 6
2) 8x + y = 0

Now we can compare the equations:

Equation 1: 8x + y = 6
Equation 2: 8x + y = 0

These equations have the same left-hand side (8x + y) but different right-hand sides. This means the slopes of the lines are identical (8), and the lines are parallel.

To determine the relationship between the lines, we can conclude that they are parallel and will never intersect.