I do not understand This:

Employee x is paid $12.50 an hour for the first 36 hours he works in a week, and is paid double that rate for every hour over that. Employee Y is paid $15.00 an hour for the first 40 hours she works in a week, and is paid 1.5 times that rate for every hour over that. On a certain week, both employees worked the same # of hours and were paid the same amount. How many hours did each employee work that week?

The book says I have to Backsolve. What does Backsolve mean? How do I solve this problem?????

you work backwards. multiply 12.50 and 36=hours worked in 1 week. do same w/ 15 and 40. keep adding on hours to each employee- make sure to pay them either double or 1.5x more like it says. keep doing this until you come to an equal # of hours for both workers.

It is like u are a owner of a store... when tony(x) starts you pay him $12.50 an hour for his first day & a half(36 hours) in every week & after that he gets paid $25.00 per hour...

Elanie(y) gets paid $15.00 an hour for the first 40 hours she works for a week & after that she is paid $23.50 for every hour she works after that.

now just make a chart of something that shows how much money they each make per week if they work X amount of hours & stop when they make the same amount working the same amount of hours that week...


I still don't get it.

what don't u understand so i can explain it more??

I don't understand her either.

You can calculate the amount x gets paid for a 40 hour week.

That will be (36 hours*12.50/hour) + (4 hours*25/hour) = 450 + 100 = $550 for the 40 hour week.

y gets paid for the 40 hours a sum of 40 hours*15/hour = $600 for the 40 hour week.

The problem states that x and y worked the same number of hours and were paid the same. So let H = hours worked (over 40) and set the pay equal to each other like so.
x is paid 550+(25*H)
y is paid 600+(22.5*H). But since they are paid the same we can set them equal.
Solve for H, the number of hours each worked over the 40 hour week.
I get H = 20 hours so they must have worked 60 hours.

yeah i guess that works to...lolsz

The term "backsolve" refers to a problem-solving technique where you start with the answer and work backward to find the necessary information or parameters to arrive at that answer. It is often used in mathematics and logic puzzles to find solutions by trial and error.

In this specific problem, since both employees worked the same number of hours and were paid the same amount, we can backsolve to find the number of hours worked.

Let's assume that both employees worked "h" hours.

For Employee X:
- The first 36 hours are paid at a rate of $12.50 per hour.
- The remaining hours (h - 36) are paid at a rate of $12.50 * 2 = $25.00 per hour.

So, the total payment for Employee X can be calculated as follows:
Payment for the first 36 hours + Payment for the remaining hours = Total Payment for Employee X
$12.50 * 36 + $25.00 * (h - 36) = Total Payment for Employee X

Similarly, for Employee Y:
- The first 40 hours are paid at a rate of $15.00 per hour.
- The remaining hours (h - 40) are paid at a rate of $15.00 * 1.5 = $22.50 per hour.

Total Payment for Employee Y can be calculated as follows:
Payment for the first 40 hours + Payment for the remaining hours = Total Payment for Employee Y
$15.00 * 40 + $22.50 * (h - 40) = Total Payment for Employee Y

Since we know that the total payments for both employees are equal, we can set up an equation:
$12.50 * 36 + $25.00 * (h - 36) = $15.00 * 40 + $22.50 * (h - 40)

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of "h", which represents the number of hours worked by both employees in that week.