what is the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's Shadow And Act

what is the call number of the oldest copy of ellison's shadow and act

To find the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's "Shadow And Act," you will need to consult a library catalog or database specific to the library or institution you are interested in.

1. Start by searching for the library catalog of the library where you plan to look for the oldest copy of the book. Many libraries have an online catalog that you can access through their website.

2. Once you have access to the library catalog, you can search for Ellison's "Shadow And Act" using the title or author's name. Enter the relevant information into the search bar and initiate the search.

3. Look for the search results that match the book you are searching for. Usually, the catalog will display a list of books with title, author, publication information, and call numbers.

4. Pay attention to the publication dates mentioned in the search results and try to identify the oldest copy that is available. Check the call number associated with that particular copy.

5. The call number is a unique identifier given to each book in a library, indicating its physical location on the library shelves. It typically consists of a combination of letters and numbers.

6. Note down the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's "Shadow And Act" that you have identified, as well as any additional information such as the floor or section of the library where it can be found.

7. Head to the library and use the call number to locate the book on the shelves. If you are having trouble locating the book, you can always ask a library staff member for assistance.

Remember that the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's "Shadow And Act" will depend on the specific library and its cataloging system. It is advisable to contact the library directly or refer to their website for more precise information on how to access the oldest copy of the book.