3x/4 - 2x/5 + x/2

So what is to be done?

it is in fraction form & i have to solve i guess.... the mutipul choice answers are as follows in fraction form:

a. x/10
please help me....

go and

find the lowest common denominator between the 4, 5 and 2
a common multiple is 20 so..

3x/4 - 2x/5 +x/2=

5(3x/20)- 4(2x/20) + 10(x/20)=

then multiply ...

15x/20 - 8x/20 + 10x/20=__________ ???

now add and what do you get?

If the equation is:

(3x/4) - (2x/5) + (x/2)

Common denominator is 20
(15x/20) - (8x/20) + (10x/20) =
combine the three to obtain



To simplify the expression 3x/4 - 2x/5 + x/2, we need to find a common denominator for all the fractions.

The common denominator is the smallest multiple of the denominators of all the fractions, which in this case is 20 because 4, 5, and 2 are all factors of 20.

Now, let's rewrite each fraction with the common denominator:

(3x/4) = (15x/20) (multiplied numerator and denominator by 5)
(2x/5) = (8x/20) (multiplied numerator and denominator by 4)
(x/2) = (10x/20) (multiplied numerator and denominator by 10)

Now, we can combine the fractions by adding the numerators while keeping the common denominator:

(15x/20) - (8x/20) + (10x/20)

To combine the numerators, we subtract the second fraction and add the third fraction:

(15x - 8x + 10x) / 20

Simplifying further:

(17x + 10x) / 20

Finally, we combine the like terms:

27x / 20

So, the simplified expression is 27x/20.