As I spend more and more time working, I spend less time with family and friends. However, my career and financial success are important to me.

How do I balance the time I spend making money versus time I spend with people?

What are some critical questions I may want to ask myself to "decide" how much time to spend making money versus time I spend with people?

In my honest opinion, spending 100% of my time with either is unhealthy and will not enable me to achieve personal goals.

Thank you!

In my honest opinion, spending 100% of my time with either is unhealthy and will not enable me to achieve personal goals.

Leo, your "honest opinion" is exactly right.
The sites that SrMacGin gave you will give you some practical ideas.
However, there is no one magic answer.
It is a day by day decision. Keeping a calendar is a good way to begin.
Put on it those events which are vital. Put on it those business requirements which are "SOP".
Then put on it those events which will give you enjoyment.
If you don't have room for the enjoyment, then you need to negotiate some of the SOP.
Then don't sweat the small stuff. Organization helps, but the main thing is to strive for balance. When you are beginning - sometimes you have to make hard decisions about what can be negotiated and what can't.
THEN, pray for some 26 hour days. <G>
Good luck!

this time management tool is used for recording how you spend your time daily: to-do list, calendar, activity log, planner

Finding a balance between work and personal relationships can be challenging, but it is essential for your overall well-being. To help you decide how much time to spend making money versus time with people, here are some critical questions you may want to ask yourself:

1. What are my priorities in life? Consider your long-term goals, values, and what truly matters to you. Identifying your priorities will help you allocate your time accordingly.

2. What are my personal and professional goals? Reflect on what you want to achieve in your career and personal life. This will help you determine how much time and energy you need to dedicate to each area.

3. What kind of relationships do I want to cultivate? Think about the people who are important to you and the kind of relationships you want to build with them. Consider the level of involvement and connection you desire.

4. How much time is necessary for my career success? Evaluate the demands of your job or business and the time required to achieve your professional goals. Consider the potential consequences of not dedicating enough time to your career.

5. What activities bring me joy and fulfillment? Identify the activities that make you happy and fulfilled, both professionally and personally. Prioritize these activities when managing your time.

6. Am I setting realistic expectations for myself? It's important to set realistic goals and expectations for both your career and personal life. Avoid striving for perfection or overcommitting yourself, as it can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

7. How can I effectively manage my time? Explore time management techniques such as prioritization, delegation, and setting boundaries. Allocating specific time slots for work and personal activities can help ensure a better balance.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Balancing work and personal life is a personal journey, and it may require periodic adjustments as your circumstances change.