how is $90 909.0909 read?

Ninety-thousand, nine hundred nine dollars is the beginning.

To read the number $90,909.0909, you can break it down into three parts: the whole number part, the fractional part, and the currency unit.

1. Whole number part: $90,909
It is read as "Ninety thousand, nine hundred nine dollars."

2. Fractional part: .0909
The decimal point separates the whole number from the fractional part. To read the fractional part, you can break it down into individual digits:
- The first digit is 0, so it is read as "zero."
- The second digit is 9, so it is read as "nine."
- The third digit is also 0, so it is again read as "zero."
- The fourth digit is 9, so it is read as "nine."
Therefore, the fractional part is read as "zero point zero nine zero nine."

3. Currency unit: dollars
Finally, you mention that it is dollars, so you would add "dollars" at the end.

Combining all three parts, $90,909.0909 is read as "Ninety thousand, nine hundred nine dollars and zero point zero nine zero nine."