Are these complex sentences????



1. Although my friend did not believe, I am a devout Christian.

2. If i remain diligent, I will succeed.

3.Unless he gets the defiant behavior under control, he will be expelled.

4.Because I hate spending my money, shopping makes me tempormental.

5. Rather than giving up, the stalwart soldier never stopped fighting for his country.

6. While timmy took the bus to school,Amy didn't.

7. Before running, Aamy knelt to tie her shoe.

8. As a result of my gregarious personaity, I have many friends.

9. Don't even think about going, unless the indolent behavior stops.

#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 are complex sentences. Both clauses in each sentence has a subject and verb.

How can you correct #s 5, 7, and 8?

Also, don't forget to make it capital-I in sentence 2, to correct the spelling of the last word in sentence 4, make it capital-T on "Timmy" in sentence 6, adding a space after the comma in sentence 6, and correcting the spelling of "Amy" in sentence 7.


5. Rather than him giving up, the stalwart soldier never stopped fighting for his country.

7. Before she ran, Amy knelt to tie her shoe.

8. I'm not sure...

Is this a complex sentence?

The nonchalant celebrity walked into the court room after she received a D.W.I.

Yes. Each one has one main clause and one subordinate clause.

Ah, thank you very much!

Yes, complex sentences:

The nonchalant celebrity walked into the court room after she received a D.W.I.
but correct the spelling -- received

Before she ran, Amy knelt to tie her shoe.
good job

Rather than him giving up, the stalwart soldier never stopped fighting for his country.
Before the comma, there's only a phrase; it needs to be a clause. Try this: Because he was strong and loyal, the stalwart soldier never stopped fighting for his country.


Sorry, Marlene -- one of them is not a complex sentence.

Thank you so much. I'm ready for school on monday. I know I am going to get an A!!!!


You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Good luck with your schoolwork on Monday, and I hope you get that A! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Have a great day!

That's great! I'm glad I could help you. Good luck with your schoolwork, and I hope you achieve your goal of getting an A! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.