A purse cost $375.00. It was 25% off.

What was the original price?
I figured out the answer ($500.00), but I did it the 'hard way'. Can someone show me a mathematical way or equation to do this in the future w/other percentages??

One way you can do this problem is to set up this equation. The sale price of the purse is 75% (.75) of the original price. Let x = the original price, and solve for x.

.75x = 375
x = 375/.75
x = 500

Another way to solve problems like this is to set up a ratio.

.75 is to 1. as 375 is to x.

.75/1 = 375/x
Cross multiply.

.75x = 375
x = 375/.75
x = 500

Thanks. This will help w/future problems.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Setting up an equation or using a ratio is indeed a helpful approach to solving problems involving percentages. Remember to always express the percentage as a decimal or fraction when setting up the equation.

If the percentage is a decrease, like in this case where it was 25% off, you would use the percentage remaining (100% - 25% = 75%) as a decimal or fraction.

If the percentage is an increase, you would use the percentage plus 100% (For example, if the original price increased by 25%, you would use 100% + 25% = 125%).

Using these techniques can make solving such problems faster and more efficient. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!