how can this sentence be corrected "The ball was hit by the boy."

The sentence was not incorrect in the first place, but it was in passive voice, and both bobby and Kayse have turned it around and put it in active voice.

It's always MUCH better to write in active than passive voice.


The boy hit the ball

"The boy hit the ball."

To correct the sentence "The ball was hit by the boy," you can rephrase it in active voice as "The boy hit the ball." This revision makes the sentence more straightforward and direct.

To correct the sentence "The ball was hit by the boy," you can change it to active voice.

In active voice, the subject (the person or thing performing the action) comes before the verb, and the object (the receiver of the action) comes after the verb.

So, the corrected sentence would be: "The boy hit the ball."

In this sentence, "the boy" is the subject, "hit" is the verb, and "the ball" is the object. This version of the sentence is more direct and clear.

If you ever come across a sentence in passive voice and want to change it to active voice, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the subject (the person or thing performing the action) in the passive sentence.
2. Place the subject before the verb in the sentence.
3. Identify the object (the receiver of the action) in the passive sentence.
4. Place the object after the verb in the sentence.

Keep in mind that writing in active voice is generally preferred because it is more concise, direct, and engaging for readers. Passive voice can sometimes make a sentence sound less clear or give it a weak tone.