"Dr. Frankenstein flung a power switch, blue streamers of static electricity crackled about the table the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes." I am suppose to add comma splices to this sentence but where do they go I really don't know.

There is already a comma splice in there ("switch, blue"). Are you sure you're not supposed to FIX the run-on (comma splice or fused) sentences in there? In reality, there are three distinct sentences, but the punctuation is incorrect.


You have 3 complete sentences there. Putting commas in would not be grammatically correct. Compound complete sentences are connected by semi-colons. Your complete sentences are:
Dr. Frankenstein flung a power switch...
blue streamers of static electricity crackled about the table....
the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes.....

This site will best explain.


yes that is what it is

If you want to fix the sentence by adding comma splices, you can do so by connecting the three independent clauses with commas, but keep in mind that it may not be considered grammatically correct. Here's an example:

"Dr. Frankenstein flung a power switch, blue streamers of static electricity crackled about the table, the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes."

However, it's important to note that it's generally best to use other punctuation marks like periods or semicolons to correctly separate independent clauses. In this case, you could rephrase the sentence as follows:

"Dr. Frankenstein flung a power switch. Blue streamers of static electricity crackled about the table, and the creature gave a grunt and opened smoldering eyes."

By utilizing periods and conjunctions like "and," you can clearly separate the individual thoughts and create grammatically correct sentences.