Would you please check these questions and my answers? Let me know the ones I

have wrong and need to recheck.

1. Many self-care tasks can be
taught through:

A. adaptive behaviors
B. self-determination
C. fencing
D. chaining

2. The concept of "goodness-of-fit"
would be most useful in:

A. understanding a child's challenging

B. determining developmental delay

C. providing speech services

D. encouraging independence

3. The final goal of a functional
approach to managing problem
behavior is to:

A. change the child

B. replace and inappropriate behavior
with an appropriate behavior

C. change the environment

D. help the child understand how to

4. The most important way to determine
if a behavior management strategy
is working is to:

A. ask the child's teacher

B. ask the child's family

C. use the same strategy for at least
six weeks

D. collect data on the behavior

5. Sammy has hit James and James is
crying. The first thing to do is

A. tell both boys to stop fighting
B. take Sammy directly to time out
C. comfort James immediately
D. tell Sammy he hurt James and make
Sammy apologize.

6. A temper tantrum:

A. is a learned behavior and responds
to reinforcement

B. is an emotional behavior and
does not respond to reinforcement

C. should never be ignored

D. should always be ignored

7. Keisha clings to you a lot and
does not speak much to other adults.
To diminish this behavior you should:

A. hold her whenever she clings to you

B. provide attention before she starts

C. tell her to act like a "big girl"

D. talk to her parents about the problem

8. Jerrold is well-behaved and listens
to you,but he seems to play alone
a lot. He is very shy with adults
and children and doesn't say too
much. You should:

A. tell Jerrold to go and play with

B. tell another child to go and play
with Jerrold.

C. invite Jerrold to join you in playing
with another child.

D. leave him alone because he'll
grow out of it.

9. The most important thing agencies
can do to make transitions easier
for families is to:

A. collaborate
B. provide paper work to each other
C. leave families alone
D. provide paper work to families

10. When exceptional children enter

A. they should be able to learn as
typical children learn.

B. they usually need a special

C. an IEP can help focus on their

D. they should never be expected to
learn as typical children.

Here are my answers. Please let me know the ones I have wrong.

1. (D) chaining

2. (A) understanding a child's
challenging behavior.

3. (B) replace an inappropriate
behavior with an appropriate

4. (D) collect data on the behavior

5. (C) comfort Sammy immediately

6. (D) should always be ignored

7. (B) provide attention before she
starts clinging.

8. (C) invite Jerrold to join you in
playing with another child

9. (A) collaborate

10. C) an IEP can help focus on their

Thank you very much for your help-again!

Your answers are correct, except I question your answer for number 6. It's nearly impossible to ignore a temper tantrum when others are being disturbed or in danger of being hit. Temper tantrums are usually an emotional response to a situation that's frustrating for the child. Please check your book for the appropriate answer to this question.

1. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is D) chaining. Chaining refers to teaching self-care tasks by breaking them down into smaller steps and teaching each step one at a time.

2. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is A) understanding a child's challenging behavior. Goodness-of-fit refers to how well a child's environment and support systems match their individual needs and characteristics.

3. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is C) change the environment. The final goal of a functional approach to managing problem behavior is to change the environment in a way that decreases the occurrence of the problem behavior and increases the occurrence of appropriate behavior.

4. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is D) collect data on the behavior. Collecting data on the behavior is essential to objectively determine if a behavior management strategy is effective or not.

5. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is C) comfort James immediately. The first thing to do when one child hurts another is to provide comfort and support to the child who was hurt. This helps to address their immediate needs and emotions.

6. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is A) is a learned behavior and responds to reinforcement. Temper tantrums are often a learned behavior and can be influenced by reinforcement. Ignoring the temper tantrum may sometimes be an effective strategy, but it depends on the specific situation and the individual child.

7. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is B) provide attention before she starts clinging. To diminish the behavior of clinging, it is important to provide attention and support before the child starts clinging. This can help to address any underlying anxieties or fears that may be driving the behavior.

8. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is C) invite Jerrold to join you in playing with another child. Encouraging Jerrold to join in play with another child can help to support his social skills development and increase his comfort level in interacting with others.

9. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is A) collaborate. The most important thing agencies can do to make transitions easier for families is to collaborate and work together to ensure a smooth transition between different services or programs.

10. Your answer is correct. The correct answer is C) an IEP can help focus on their needs. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a document that outlines the specific educational goals and supports for a student with exceptionalities. It helps to focus on their individual needs and ensure appropriate accommodations and interventions are in place.

To check the answer for question 6, we need to refer to the appropriate resource, such as a textbook or online resource, that provides information about temper tantrums and how to respond to them. By consulting reliable sources, we can obtain accurate information and find the correct answer.

Based on the information provided in the question, the answer options given are:

A. is a learned behavior and responds to reinforcement
B. is an emotional behavior and does not respond to reinforcement
C. should never be ignored
D. should always be ignored

To find the correct answer, we can consider the nature of temper tantrums and how they are typically addressed by professionals. Temper tantrums are commonly seen as a normal part of child development and are often a manifestation of emotional distress or frustration. Ignoring a temper tantrum may be an effective strategy in some cases, as it can help in preventing the reinforcement of the behavior.

One approach to dealing with temper tantrums is to initially ignore them, if possible, while ensuring the safety of the child and others. This strategy aims to avoid providing attention or reinforcement for the tantrum. However, if the tantrum continues or escalates, it may be necessary to intervene and address the underlying issue or help the child regulate their emotions.

Based on this understanding, the most appropriate answer for question 6 would be:

B. is an emotional behavior and does not respond to reinforcement

This answer acknowledges that temper tantrums are primarily emotional behaviors and may not necessarily respond to reinforcement. However, it is important to note that the specific response to temper tantrums may vary depending on the individual child and circumstances. Consulting reliable resources will provide more comprehensive information on managing and responding to temper tantrums.