
This sentence contains a compound predicate ...right?

She Placed the shells in a plastice bag while he dried himself off.

Here's a sentence with a compound predicate:

She placed the shells in a plastic bag and then dried off the sand toys.

To have a compound predicate, you must have two or more main verbs (and any other words that go with them).

The sentence you wrote is a complex sentence with one main clause (she placed the shells in a plastic bag) and one subordinate clause (while he dried himself off). Each clause has its own subject and verb.


Yes, the sentence "She placed the shells in a plastic bag while he dried himself off" does contain a compound predicate. A compound predicate is a sentence structure that consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject. In this case, the compound predicate is "placed the shells in a plastic bag" and "dried himself off." Both actions are being performed by different subjects but are connected by the conjunction "while."