7/20 ?

I don't quite know what you are asking. However, if you want to convert it to a decimal, just divide 20 into 7 = .35.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To calculate the result of 7 divided by 20, you simply divide 7 by 20 using long division or a calculator.

Here is how you can do it manually using long division:

1. Write down the dividend (7) inside the division bracket, and the divisor (20) outside the division bracket.
20 | 7

2. Now, think about how many times the divisor (20) can be divided into the first digit or digits of the dividend (7).
Since 20 cannot be divided by 7 without any remainder, you would write 0 above the division line.

20 | 7

3. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (which is 0). Now, you have 70 as the new dividend.

20 | 7

4. Think about how many times the divisor (20) can be divided into 70. The answer is 3 because 3 x 20 = 60.

20 | 7

5. Subtract 60 from 70 to find the remainder:

20 | 7

6. Now, bring down the next digit from the dividend (which is 0) to the remainder (10). You now have 100 as the new dividend.

20 | 7

7. Think about how many times the divisor (20) can be divided into 100. The answer is 5 because 5 x 20 = 100.

20 | 7

8. Subtract 100 from 100, and you will get 0 as the remainder:

20 | 7

9. You have now completed the long division. The quotient is the number obtained by the division, which in this case is 0.35.

Alternatively, you can also use a calculator to calculate the result directly. Simply divide 7 by 20 on your calculator, and you will get the decimal result of 0.35.

I hope this clarifies the process of dividing 7 by 20 for you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!