other than factoring out the 9 there is really no simplification that can be made here

9sqrt6 - 9sqrt2
=9(√6 - √2)

can someone help me simplify:
9sqrt6 - 9sqrt2

To simplify the expression 9sqrt6 - 9sqrt2, you have already factored out the common factor of 9 from both terms. Now let's focus on simplifying the contents of the parentheses.

The expression inside the parentheses, √6 - √2, cannot be simplified further because the terms inside the square roots (6 and 2) do not have any perfect square factors in common.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 9(√6 - √2).

To summarize the simplification process:
1. Factor out the common factor of 9 from both terms: 9sqrt6 - 9sqrt2 = 9(√6 - √2).
2. Since the terms inside the square roots (6 and 2) do not have any perfect square factors in common, the expression cannot be simplified further.