What are "main features" in a story?

The main features are the most important parts.

Here is a webpage that explains each of the points of a 7-point plot outline:


In a story, the main features refer to the essential elements or key components that make up the overall plot and structure. These features help to drive the narrative forward and engage the readers or audience. While there are various main features in a story, some common ones include:

1. Characters: Characters are the individuals or entities that play a role in the story. They can be protagonists, antagonists, or supporting characters. Characters bring the story to life and often undergo development or change throughout the narrative.

2. Setting: The setting is the time and place where the story takes place. It helps establish the backdrop, atmosphere, and context for the events that unfold.

3. Plot: The plot refers to the sequence of events that occur in the story. It typically includes the exposition (introduction), rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

4. Conflict: Conflict is a key element that introduces tension and drives the narrative forward. It can be internal (within a character's mind or emotions) or external (between characters or external circumstances).

5. Theme: The theme is the underlying message or central idea that the story explores. It can be a moral, a commentary on society, or a reflection on human nature.

6. Point of view: The point of view refers to the perspective from which the story is told. It can be first-person (narrated by a character in the story), third-person limited (narrated from one character's perspective), or third-person omniscient (narrator has access to multiple characters' thoughts and feelings).

To understand these main features more comprehensively, you can refer to resources like the webpage mentioned earlier, which provides a 7-point plot outline. Such outlines break down the different elements of storytelling and provide guidance on how to develop each component in a compelling and cohesive manner.

In a story, the main features typically refer to the essential elements that make up the narrative and drive the plot forward. These features are crucial for developing a coherent and engaging story. Some common main features of a story include:

1. Setting: The time and place where the story takes place.
2. Characters: The individuals or entities that drive the story and interact with each other.
3. Plot: The sequence of events and conflicts that unfold in the story.
4. Conflict: The central problem or struggle that the characters face.
5. Theme: The underlying message or central idea that the story conveys.
6. Resolution: The conclusion or outcome of the story.
7. Point of view: The perspective from which the story is told.

These main features are essential for creating a well-rounded and engaging story that captivates the reader or viewer.