I need to know if I have this set up correctly. The perimeter of a rectangle is to be no greater than 300 in., and the length must be 125 in, Write an inequality representing the maximum perimeter.




To determine if you have set up the inequality correctly, let's break it down:

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2l + 2w, where P is the perimeter, l is the length, and w is the width of the rectangle.

In this case, you are given that the length must be 125 inches. So, substituting l = 125 in the formula, we get:

P = 2(125) + 2w

Simplifying further:

P = 250 + 2w

Now, since it is stated that the perimeter should be no greater than 300 in, the inequality is as follows:

P ≤ 300

Substituting the value of P from the earlier equation, we have:

250 + 2w ≤ 300

So, the correct inequality representing the maximum perimeter is:

250 + 2w ≤ 300