Can you explain pollynomials to me? i don't quit understand them...

polynomials are expressions consisting of several terms that are separated by addition and/or subtraction.

"poly" from the Greek means "many"

e.g. x^+4xy + 12 is a trinomial, a subset of polynomials

Certainly! Polynomials are mathematical expressions that consist of several terms that are combined using addition and/or subtraction. The word "poly" in polynomial comes from the Greek word meaning "many," which reflects the fact that these expressions can have multiple terms.

A polynomial expression can contain variables, constants, and exponents. The variables represent unknown quantities, while the constants are known values. The exponents indicate the power to which each variable is raised.

For example, consider the polynomial expression: x^2 + 4xy + 12. In this case, we have three terms: x^2, 4xy, and 12. The variable x appears with an exponent of 2 in the first term, and it is multiplied by itself. The term 4xy represents the product of 4, x, and y. The final term 12 is simply a constant, as it does not involve any variables.

Polynomials can have different numbers of terms, and there are specific names for polynomials with certain numbers of terms. For example, a polynomial with one term is called a monomial, a polynomial with two terms is called a binomial, and a polynomial with three terms is called a trinomial.

Understanding polynomials is essential in various mathematical applications, such as algebra, calculus, and statistics. To better understand polynomials, it's important to practice simplifying and manipulating them through operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Polynomials are expressions that consist of several terms that are separated by addition and/or subtraction. The word "poly" in polynomial comes from the Greek word meaning "many."

An example of a polynomial is:

x^2 + 4xy + 12

This polynomial is called a trinomial because it has three terms. The terms are x^2, 4xy, and 12. The terms are combined using addition or subtraction.

Each term in a polynomial has a coefficient, which is the number in front of the variable. In the example polynomial, the coefficient of x^2 is 1, the coefficient of 4xy is 4, and the coefficient of 12 is also 12.

The variables in a polynomial can be raised to different powers, which determines the degree of the polynomial. In the example polynomial, the highest power of the variables is 2, so the degree of the polynomial is 2.

Polynomials are an important concept in algebra and are used in various mathematical calculations and problem-solving.