Is it possible that during court case there can be physical fight like fist fight between plaintiff and defendant. Will the case be over, what happens?

It's possible, but unlikely that a physical fight will occur in a court room. If a fight does break out, police will quickly break it up, and the judge may find the fighters in contempt of court. The trial continues.

In the event of a physical altercation in a courtroom, the following steps are likely to occur:

1. Intervention by court security: Courtrooms typically have security officers or bailiffs present to maintain order. Upon witnessing a physical fight, they will immediately intervene to stop the altercation. Their primary goal is to ensure the safety of everyone present.

2. Arrest or detention: If the fight leads to injuries or escalates to an extreme level, the security officers may detain or arrest those involved in the altercation. They may also escort them out of the courtroom to prevent further disruption.

3. Contempt of court: The judge has the authority to hold individuals involved in the fight in contempt of court. Contempt of court refers to behavior that disrespects or obstructs the functioning of the court. The judge may issue fines, impose additional penalties, or even order jail time for those found in contempt.

4. Continuation of the trial: After restoring order in the courtroom, the judge will continue with the trial proceedings. The fight itself does not automatically lead to the dismissal of the case. However, the judge may consider the behavior of the parties involved when making decisions or determining credibility.

It's important to note that physical fights in courtrooms are exceptional occurrences. The overwhelming majority of cases are resolved peacefully and without any physical altercations between the parties involved.

A physical fight between the plaintiff and the defendant in a court case is highly unusual and generally not tolerated. Courts are controlled environments where decorum and order are expected to be upheld. In the event that a physical altercation does take place, there are established protocols to handle such situations.

1. Courtroom Security: Most courtrooms have security personnel in place to maintain order and prevent disruptions. If a fight occurs, they will promptly intervene to separate the individuals involved and restore order.

2. Contempt of Court: Engaging in a physical fight during court proceedings is considered a serious breach of courtroom decorum. The judge may hold the individuals responsible in contempt of court. Contempt of court refers to any conduct that disrespects or obstructs the judicial process. The judge has the authority to impose penalties, such as fines or even jail time, on those found in contempt.

3. Impact on the Case: While the fight itself may cause a brief disruption, the court case will generally proceed once order is restored. It is unlikely that the case will be permanently dismissed solely due to a physical altercation. However, the judge may consider the behavior of the parties involved when making subsequent decisions related to the trial, such as credibility assessments or requests for restraining orders.

It is important to note that courtrooms are intended to be civil and respectful spaces where legal proceedings can take place fairly and impartially. It is always advised to maintain proper decorum and avoid any confrontations to ensure a smooth legal process.