
-------------------divide top by bottom
(x^n+2)-(x^2)/ (x^2n)-(2x^n)+1

I can do problems similar to this if it has normal numbers but I can't do it because I am confused about the n's and the the numbers added to it. Please guide me through this problem.

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step.

The expression you provided is:

(x^n)+(x)/(x^2)-(1) / (x^n+2)-(x^2)/ (x^2n)-(2x^n)+1

Step 1: Simplify each fraction separately:
First, let's simplify the numerator: (x^n)+(x) / (x^2)-(1)
Combining the terms in the numerator, we can rewrite it as:
(x^n + x) / (x^2 - 1)

Step 2: Factor the denominator:
The denominator is a difference of squares, which can be factored as (x^2 - 1) = (x + 1)(x - 1).

Now, we have the expression as:
(x^n + x) / ((x + 1)(x - 1))

Step 3: Simplify the denominator further:
Next, let's simplify the denominator: (x^n+2)-(x^2)/ (x^2n)-(2x^n)+1
Similarly, we can rewrite this as:
(x^n + 2 - x^2) / (x^2n - 2x^n + 1)

Step 4: Factor the denominator:
The denominator cannot be further factored.

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

(x^n + x) / ((x + 1)(x - 1)) / (x^n + 2 - x^2) / (x^2n - 2x^n + 1)

Now, to divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In other words, we multiply the first fraction by the flipped version of the second fraction:

(x^n + x) / ((x + 1)(x - 1)) * ((x^2n - 2x^n + 1) / (x^n + 2 - x^2))

Step 5: Simplify further if possible:
At this point, we can't simplify the expression any further without specific values for n or x. This is because the expression contains variables and exponents, which prevents us from simplifying into a more concise form without additional information.

So, the final simplified expression is:

(x^n + x) / ((x + 1)(x - 1)) * ((x^2n - 2x^n + 1) / (x^n + 2 - x^2))

Remember, when working with similar problems in the future, always simplify each part separately, factorize the expression whenever possible, and combine like terms to simplify further.