When is the book, "Maniac Magee", taking place?


If the author doesn't give a specific time setting (year or decade or whatever), then he probably means for it to be a "timeless" story, one that could happen anywhere, anytime.

What do you think?


This book takes place in what we call modern times, with no specific dates given. It was published in 1990, so took place in the years just before 1990.

Here are some sites that will help you with this information.

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You will need to look into the history of segregation in Pennsylvania to give you a further clue.

To determine the time setting of a book like "Maniac Magee" that doesn't explicitly mention a specific year or decade, you can use various methods:

1. Check the book's publication date: The book was published in 1990, so it is safe to assume that the events described in the story take place around that time or just before.

2. Analyze cultural references: Look for clues or references within the book that may indicate the time period. For example, mentions of popular music, fashion trends, technology, or historical events can help you narrow down the time setting.

3. Research the historical context: In the case of "Maniac Magee," which deals with themes such as racial segregation and prejudice, you can explore historical events related to these topics in Pennsylvania. Understanding the history of segregation in the state can provide further context and hints about the time period in which the story is set.

4. Consult critical analysis or author interviews: Reading critical essays or interviews with the author, Jerry Spinelli, can shed light on his intentions and provide insights into the book's time setting.

Using these methods in combination should help you determine the approximate time setting of "Maniac Magee."