What is the role of the witness in the courthouse? What is the role of lawyer?

You can look up both roles in a dictionary and/or a search engine such as Goofle.



In a courthouse, witnesses play a crucial role in the legal process, while lawyers have specific responsibilities as well.

First, let's look at the role of a witness. Usually, a witness is someone who has firsthand knowledge or information about a particular event or situation related to a legal case. When called to testify, a witness provides their account of what they saw, heard, or experienced. Witnesses are expected to be truthful, impartial, and provide accurate and relevant information. Their testimony helps the judge or jury understand the facts of the case and make informed decisions.

On the other hand, lawyers, also known as attorneys, represent and advocate for clients within the legal system. Their role can vary depending on the kind of lawyer and the specific case. Generally, lawyers provide legal advice, conduct legal research, draft legal documents, and present arguments on behalf of their clients in court. They analyze the relevant laws and precedents to develop strategies for their clients' defense or prosecution. Lawyers play a vital role in ensuring that their clients' rights are protected and that justice is served.

To explore further details about the roles of witnesses and lawyers, you can consult reputable online sources such as dictionaries, legal websites, or law-related databases. Additionally, search engines like Google can provide you with a broad range of information and resources on these topics.