the problem asks:

a bag contains 5 aplles and 3 oranges. If you select 4 pieces of fruit without looking, how many ways can you get exactly 3 apples?

so i did:

"c"=stands for combination

(5C3) =10
(3C1) = 6

so i multiplied 10*6 = 60 ways possible

It seems to me it is not that...
Ways to get apples

so what do you refer too

60 ways sounds right to me.
You could have

Of course, I presume order doesnt matter.

To calculate the number of ways you can get exactly 3 apples when selecting 4 pieces of fruit without looking, you can use the concept of combinations.

First, you need to choose 3 apples from the 5 available apples. This can be calculated using the combination formula:

(5C3) = 5! / (3!(5-3)!) = 5! / (3!2!) = (5x4x3) / (3x2) = 10

This means there are 10 ways to choose 3 apples from 5.

Next, you need to choose 1 orange from the 3 available oranges. This can also be calculated using the combination formula:

(3C1) = 3! / (1!(3-1)!) = 3! / (1!2!) = (3x2x1) / (1x2) = 3

This means there are 3 ways to choose 1 orange from 3.

To find the total number of ways to get exactly 3 apples, you need to multiply the number of ways to choose apples by the number of ways to choose oranges:

10 x 3 = 30

Therefore, there are 30 ways to get exactly 3 apples when selecting 4 pieces of fruit without looking.

So, it seems that the answer you obtained, 60, is not correct based on the given problem.