Could anyone give a web about

1.Practical arts
2.Greek theory
5.Modern Chemistry

Duplicate post.

Certainly! Here are some recommended websites where you can find information on the topics you mentioned:

1. Practical Arts: A good place to find information on practical arts is on websites that focus on art and craft tutorials or blogs. Two popular websites for this are "Instructables" ( and "Craftsy" ( These websites offer a wide range of tutorials and guides for various practical arts.

2. Greek Theory: To learn about Greek theory, you can explore websites that cover ancient Greek philosophy, such as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( or the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( These websites provide in-depth articles and resources on various aspects of Greek philosophy, including its theoretical foundations.

3. Alchemy: For information on alchemy, a good starting point is the "Alchemy Website" ( This website offers a wealth of resources, including historical texts, modern interpretations, and information on alchemical symbolism. "The Hermetic Library" ( is another website that hosts various texts, articles, and resources related to alchemy.

4. Phlogiston: Phlogiston theory was a scientific theory that explained combustion and was eventually replaced by modern chemistry. You can learn about phlogiston and its history on websites like "Chemical Heritage Foundation" ( or "Encyclopedia Britannica" ( These sites provide detailed articles and explanations of the theory, its development, and its eventual abandonment.

5. Modern Chemistry: To explore modern chemistry, you can turn to reputable educational websites such as "Royal Society of Chemistry" ( or "American Chemical Society" ( These organizations offer comprehensive resources, including articles, videos, and educational materials, which cover a wide range of topics in modern chemistry.

Remember, when researching any topic, it's always important to critically evaluate the information you find and ensure that you cross-reference from multiple reliable sources. Happy exploring!