Please help me answer these questions:

1. Advantage and disadvantage of cell division on the economy of animal?
2. In what part of plant is most likely to find mitosis?
3. Where to look to find mitosis in animal?
4. During what stage of the cell are the individual chromosomes replicated into chromatids?

Let me see your answers so far. I will be happy to critique your work.

1. The advantage of cell division on the economy of animals is that it allows for growth and development, as well as tissue repair and regeneration. By increasing the number of cells, animals can increase in size and complexity, enabling them to adapt to their environment and fulfill various ecological roles.

On the other hand, there are a few potential disadvantages of cell division on the economy of animals. Firstly, uncontrolled cell division can lead to the formation of tumors and the development of cancer. This can have severe health implications for the individual and may require medical interventions that can be costly. Additionally, in some cases, excessive cell division can result in the depletion of resources and energy, which could negatively impact the overall productivity and sustainability of animal populations.

2. Mitosis, which is the process of cell division, can occur in various parts of a plant's body. However, the area where mitosis is most likely to be found in plants is called the meristem. Meristems are regions of undifferentiated cells that can continuously divide, giving rise to new cells for growth and development. The shoot apical meristem, located at the tips of stems and branches, and the root apical meristem, found at the tips of roots, are the primary sites of mitosis in plants.

3. Mitosis in animals can be observed in various tissues and organs. However, it is often easier to find mitosis in rapidly dividing tissues. Some of the common locations to look for mitosis in animals include the bone marrow, where blood cells are continuously produced, the lining of the intestines, skin tissue, and the cells responsible for growth in the tips of hair follicles and nail beds. These tissues undergo frequent cell division to maintain their structure and functionality.

4. During a specific stage of cell division called the S phase, individual chromosomes are replicated into chromatids. The S phase occurs within the larger process of the cell cycle, specifically during the interphase. This is the stage where the cell prepares itself for division by growing, replicating its DNA, and synthesizing necessary proteins. During the S phase, each chromosome is duplicated, resulting in two identical chromatids attached at a region called the centromere. These chromatids will then separate during the subsequent stages of mitosis or meiosis.