Can you tell me which one of these contains a prepositional Pharse?

Thank You
1. With the proper help, they'll complete the project early.

2. Running all the way, he got there early.

3. They sang it, and sang it again.

Thanks A lot.

Only one of these sentences includes a preposition and its phrase. See this webpage, and you should be able to find it easily:

Let me know what you think.


The sentence that contains a prepositional phrase is:

1. With the proper help, they'll complete the project early.

The prepositional phrase in this sentence is "With the proper help." The preposition is "with" and the object of the preposition is "the proper help."

Sure! To identify a prepositional phrase, you need to look for a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition. Let's analyze each sentence:

1. "With the proper help, they'll complete the project early."
In this sentence, the prepositional phrase is "with the proper help." The preposition is "with," and the object of the preposition is "help."

2. "Running all the way, he got there early."
This sentence does not contain a prepositional phrase. It has a participial phrase ("Running all the way"), but not a prepositional phrase.

3. "They sang it, and sang it again."
This sentence also does not contain a prepositional phrase. It consists of two coordinated verb phrases, "sang it" and "sang it again."

So, the answer is Sentence 1: "With the proper help, they'll complete the project early."

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

Certainly! Out of the three sentences provided, the first sentence contains a prepositional phrase.

1. "With the proper help" - "with" is the preposition and "the proper help" is the prepositional phrase.