I need the similarities and differences in each of the following:

1. educational technology
instructional technology
audio visual technology
2. educational media
instructional media
audio visual media
3. educational aids
instructional aids
audio visual aids
Hope you can help me!!!
Thanks a lot in advance...

I need the similarities and differences in each of the following:
1. educational technology
instructional technology
audio visual technology
Anything "technology" these days usually means the use of computers, LCD projectors, etc. "Educational" could be what the kids are meant to learn; "instructional" could mean what and how teachers are meant to teach; "audio-visual" means the uses of things that can be seen and heard -- photos, videos, music, podcasts, etc.

2. educational media
instructional media
audio visual media
3. educational aids
instructional aids
audio visual aids

Now you use http://www.answers.com and look up each of the other terms to come up with definitions.

If you wish to re-post with your answers, someone here will give you feedback.


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I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the capability to browse the internet or provide direct links to external sources like answers.com. However, I can help explain the concepts and provide a general understanding of the similarities and differences between the terms you mentioned.

1. Educational Technology, Instructional Technology, and Audio Visual Technology:
Educational Technology refers to the use of technology tools, resources, and techniques in the educational field. It involves the use of various digital devices, software, and learning platforms to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Instructional Technology is a subset of educational technology focused specifically on the instructional aspects of teaching and learning. It involves the planning, development, and implementation of technology-based instructional materials, strategies, and activities to meet educational goals.

Audio Visual Technology refers to the equipment, systems, and techniques that facilitate the presentation and communication of information through both visual and auditory means. It includes the use of audiovisual aids such as projectors, screens, audio systems, slide projectors, and video players.

- All three terms involve the use of technology in educational settings.
- They aim to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
- They can involve the use of various devices and tools for delivering content.

- Educational Technology encompasses a broader range of tools and techniques, including instructional technology and audiovisual technology.
- Instructional Technology specifically focuses on the instructional aspects of education.
- Audio Visual Technology refers to the specific equipment and systems used for visual and auditory presentations.

2. Educational Media, Instructional Media, and Audio Visual Media:
Educational Media refers to any materials, resources, or tools used for educational purposes. It includes a wide range of media forms, such as books, videos, websites, educational apps, and interactive multimedia.

Instructional Media encompasses the media used primarily for instructional purposes in teaching and learning. It includes materials specifically designed to support and facilitate the instructional process, such as textbooks, educational software, interactive simulations, and online learning platforms.

Audio Visual Media refers to any media content that includes both visual and auditory elements, such as videos, films, slideshows, and multimedia presentations.

- All three terms involve using media as a means of facilitating teaching and learning.
- They aim to provide visual and auditory content to enhance understanding and engagement.

- Educational Media is a broad term that includes all types of media used for educational purposes.
- Instructional Media is more specific and focuses on materials that directly support instructional processes and objectives.
- Audio Visual Media refers specifically to media content that combines visual and auditory elements.

3. Educational Aids, Instructional Aids, and Audio Visual Aids:
Educational Aids, Instructional Aids, and Audio Visual Aids are similar terms that refer to materials and resources used to support teaching and learning processes.

- All three terms refer to materials used to aid in the educational and instructional processes.
- They are designed to enhance understanding, engagement, and learning outcomes.

- Educational Aids is a broader term that includes any kind of materials, tools, or resources that assist in the educational process.
- Instructional Aids specifically focus on materials used to support instructional activities and strategies.
- Audio Visual Aids refer to materials that combine visual and auditory elements to enhance understanding and engagement.