In what ways has learning about the environment changed the way you feel about living more sustainably? What information in this class had the greatest impact on the way you think about the environment? How will you apply this new knowledge in the future?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Since we have not been in your class, we have no idea what information you have learned there. Look at your notes and then decide if anything there had an impact on how you view the environment.

To answer the first question, about how learning about the environment has changed your feelings about living more sustainably, consider the following:

1. Start by reflecting on what you have learned. Have you gained knowledge about the negative impacts of certain human activities on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation, or climate change? Understanding these issues may have made you more aware of the importance of living sustainably.

2. Think about the specific information or concepts that stood out to you during your class. Did you learn about the limited availability of natural resources, the importance of biodiversity, or the interconnectedness of ecosystems? These insights might have influenced your perspective on living sustainably.

3. Consider any personal experiences or case studies discussed in your class. Reflect on how these stories or examples made you reconsider your own habits or behaviors. Perhaps you learned about the harmful effects of single-use plastics, which motivated you to reduce your own plastic consumption.

As for the second question, inquiring about the information that had the greatest impact on your thinking, refer back to your class materials and notes. Consider the topics, discussions, or readings that resonated with you the most. It could be something like the consequences of climate change or the loss of biodiversity. Identify the information that evoked an emotional response or made you question your own actions the most.

Lastly, in order to apply this new knowledge in the future, consider the following steps:

1. Take action in your daily life: Apply the principles of sustainability to your daily habits and lifestyle choices. This could involve conserving energy and water, reducing waste, supporting local and sustainable products, or adopting plant-based diets.

2. Educate and advocate: Share your knowledge and awareness with others. Whether through conversations, social media, or community engagement, spread the word about the importance of living sustainably and its positive impact on the environment.

3. Stay informed and engaged: Continue to educate yourself about environmental issues through reliable sources, scientific research, or further study. Engage in ongoing learning to stay updated on new findings and solutions related to environmental sustainability.

By incorporating these actions into your life, you can apply the knowledge gained from your environmental studies and make a positive contribution to a more sustainable future.