I have 2 problems that are hanging me up. Can you show me how?

What values for x must be excluded in the following fraction?



6-(a/b) over 24/b

take out a 6.

-(a/b) over 4/b

Sure! Let's start with the first problem:

To determine the values for x that must be excluded in the fraction (x-3)/(-8), we need to find the values that would result in division by zero. In other words, we need to identify the values of x that would make the denominator (-8) equal to zero.

To find these values, we can set the denominator equal to zero and solve for x:

-8 = 0

However, this equation has no solution because there is no value of x that can make -8 equal to zero. Therefore, there are no values for x that need to be excluded in the fraction (x-3)/(-8). The fraction is valid for all real numbers.

Now, let's move on to the second problem:

To simplify the expression 6 - (a/b) over 24/b, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the division of (a/b) by (24/b):
When you divide a fraction by another fraction with the same denominator, you can simplify it by multiplying the numerator of the first fraction by the reciprocal (or multiplicative inverse) of the second fraction.
So, (a/b) divided by (24/b) simplifies to (a/b) multiplied by (b/24), which gives us (a/24).

Step 2: Substitute the simplified expression back into the original equation:
Now we have 6 - (a/24) over 1.
Remember that anything divided by 1 remains unchanged.

So, the simplified expression is 6 - (a/24).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.