A car travels at a constant rate of 45 mph on a highway iffinitely (assume it never has to stop for gas) How far has the car traveled after x minutes?

45 miles/hr * (1/60 hr/minute) * x minutes
= 3/4 x miles (if x is in minutes)

To calculate how far the car has traveled after x minutes, you can use the formula:

Distance = Speed * Time

Given that the car travels at a constant rate of 45 miles per hour, you need to convert the time from minutes to hours. There are 60 minutes in one hour, so the conversion factor is 1/60 hours per minute.

Therefore, you can calculate the distance as follows:

Distance = 45 miles per hour * (1/60 hours per minute) * x minutes

Simplifying this expression, you get:

Distance = 3/4 x miles

So, the car has traveled 3/4 x miles after x minutes.

To calculate how far the car has traveled after x minutes, we can use the equation:

Distance = Time * Rate

In this case, the rate of the car is given as 45 miles per hour. However, we need to convert the rate from miles per hour to miles per minute because the time is given in minutes.

To do this conversion, we divide the rate by 60, since there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Rate in miles per minute = 45 miles per hour * (1 hour / 60 minutes) = 45/60 miles per minute

Now we can multiply the rate by the time (x) in minutes to find the distance traveled:

Distance = (45/60) * x miles = (3/4) * x miles

Therefore, the car travels (3/4) * x miles after x minutes.