Yes. The car will travel 40 miles in an hour.

A certain Car Travels 14 miles in 21 minutes. If the car continues at the same speed how many miles can it go in 1 Hour

One way to solve this problem is by setting up a proportion. Let x = the miles the car can go in one hour.

14 / 21 = x / 60
x = _____

If you post your answer, we'll be glad to check it.




Yes, you're correct! The car can travel 40 miles in one hour.

To solve the problem, we set up a proportion using the information given:

14 miles / 21 minutes = x miles / 60 minutes

Now, to find x (the number of miles the car can go in one hour), we cross multiply:

14 * 60 = 21 * x

840 = 21x

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 21 to solve for x:

x = 840 / 21

x = 40

So, the car can travel 40 miles in one hour if it continues at the same speed.