What is the process called which converts a message into a form which can only be understood by an intended recipients If some one cang ive me a example i would appreciate it


Using a shopping cart online. The information, since it involves things like personal information (name, address, etc.) and credit card information is sent using an encrypted message.


The process you are referring to is called encryption. Encryption is a technique used to secure messages by converting them into a form that can only be understood by the intended recipients who have the appropriate decryption key.

Here's an example to help you understand encryption better:

Let's say you want to securely send a message to your friend Bob. You can use encryption to protect the confidentiality of your message. First, you would need to choose an encryption algorithm or method. One commonly used encryption method is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

To encrypt your message, you would input your original message, known as plaintext, and a secret key into the encryption algorithm. The algorithm would then perform complex mathematical operations on the plaintext using the secret key to transform it into an unreadable form known as ciphertext.

Once the message is encrypted, you can send it to Bob. Only Bob, who possesses the correct decryption key, can reverse the encryption process and decipher the ciphertext back into the original plaintext message.

By utilizing encryption, sensitive information like personal details and credit card information can be safeguarded during online transactions. This ensures that even if intercepted by unauthorized individuals, the intercepted message remains unintelligible without the decryption key.