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Kingdom fungi
kingdom protoctista
kingdom monera

what are the common examples of the kingdom fungi, kingdom protoctista and kingdom monera?

Kingdom monera:vibrio chiolerae,nitrobacter and azotobacter.Kingdom protoctista:paramecium,amoeba,plasmodium and trypanosome.Kingdom fungi;yeast,penicillia,breadmoulds,toadstools and mushroomsms

To find common examples of the Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protoctista, and Kingdom Monera, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. In the search bar, type "common examples of Kingdom Fungi."
3. Press Enter or click on the Search button.
4. Review the search results, which will provide you with a list of common examples of the Kingdom Fungi, such as mushrooms, yeast, and molds.

5. Repeat the process for Kingdom Protoctista and Kingdom Monera, searching for "common examples of Kingdom Protoctista" and "common examples of Kingdom Monera" respectively.

For Kingdom Protoctista, examples may include amoebas, paramecia, and algae.

For Kingdom Monera, examples may include bacteria and cyanobacteria.

Remember that the results you find can vary depending on sources and current scientific classification. It is always a good idea to cross-reference multiple sources for accurate and up-to-date information.