why to protect konark

It's important to protect Konark Temple because of its architectural beauty, religious significance, tourist attraction, and its age; its over 800 years old. Check this site for more information.



And here are many other responses this very same question has received over the past year or so. Ms.Sue's link is probably the best, though.


To protect Konark Temple, one must understand its historical and cultural significance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to protect Konark Temple:

1. Educate yourself: Learn about the history, architecture, and cultural significance of the Konark Temple. Research online, visit libraries, and refer to reputable sources to gather as much information as possible.

2. Spread awareness: Share your knowledge about the importance of protecting Konark Temple with your friends, family, and local community. Organize awareness campaigns, events, or talks to educate others about the historical, religious, and architectural value of the temple.

3. Support preservation efforts: Get involved with organizations, NGOs, or government bodies that work towards the protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites like Konark Temple. Offer your time, expertise, or financial support to their initiatives.

4. Responsible tourism: As a visitor, follow responsible and sustainable tourism practices when visiting the temple. Respect the rules, regulations, and traditions of the temple premises. Do not litter, deface, or damage any part of the temple.

5. Promote local economy: Support the local community and economy by buying souvenirs, handicrafts, and services from local artisans, vendors, and businesses. This helps to generate income for the local community and encourages the preservation of the temple for future generations.

6. Report any concerns: If you notice any damage, vandalism, or threats to the Konark Temple, report it immediately to the relevant authorities. This can include local law enforcement, temple management committees, or cultural heritage organizations.

Remember, protecting Konark Temple is a collective responsibility. By being informed, spreading awareness, supporting preservation efforts, and promoting responsible tourism, we can contribute to the conservation and safeguarding of this cultural treasure.