I HAVE A QUESTION. When I post a question and there is now response to it does it means that my answer to my questions are correct? I post two questions yeaterday and received no response .Today I post the same two questions and still got no response. They are math questions that I need to know that Ihave answered correctly. Thanks

When you don't receive a response to your questions, it doesn't necessarily mean that your answers are correct. There could be several reasons why you didn't get a response, such as:

1. Timing: The time you posted your questions might not have been ideal for receiving a quick response. If you post during a busy period or when fewer people are online, it may take longer to get a response.

2. Difficulty: If the questions you asked are highly complex or require extensive calculations, it may take more time for someone to provide a correct answer.

3. Lack of expertise: It's possible that the people who saw your questions didn't feel confident in their ability to answer correctly or didn't have the necessary expertise in that particular area of math.

To ensure a higher chance of getting a response and confirmation on your answers, you can try the following:

1. Be specific and clear: Make sure your questions are concise, well-written, and clearly state the problem you need help with. Providing any relevant details or context can also be beneficial.

2. Use appropriate tags or keywords: When posting your questions, consider using relevant tags or keywords related to the specific math topic or concept you're asking about. This can help attract the attention of people who have expertise in that area.

3. Engage with the community: Participate in discussions, comment on other posts, and try to build connections within the community. By engaging and helping others, you may increase the likelihood of receiving help in return.

In addition to waiting for responses on online platforms, you can also try reaching out to your teachers, classmates, or consider hiring a tutor who can provide you with the necessary guidance and feedback on your answers.