Until about two years ago, France officially had a 35-hour work week. However, in 2005, the government changed this law to allow employers and employees to negotiate a longer work week with more pay.


how long is frances work week

To find out how long France's work week is currently, we can search for up-to-date information on official websites or reliable news sources. In this case, since the information you provided is from 2005, it might not accurately reflect the current situation.

One reliable source to gather information on France's work week is the French government's official website. By visiting the website of the French Ministry of Labor (Ministère du Travail), we can find the most recent laws and regulations related to working hours.

Let's search for the official website using a search engine such as Google by typing in "French Ministry of Labor." Once on the website, we can navigate to the relevant section, usually regarding labor laws or work regulations. This section should provide accurate and current information on the work week in France.

Alternatively, check reliable news sources or refer to recent articles published by reputable news outlets. These sources frequently report on any changes in labor laws and provide accurate information regarding the work hours in France.

It is important to rely on up-to-date and reliable sources to ensure accurate information on the current work week in France, as regulations can change over time.