Notice, theprofessor told the class, Cassius' choice of imagery when he asks, upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed that he is grown so great?

This is the correct punctuation for quotes and quotes within quotes in the U.S. If you're in the U.K., the punctuation is different.

"Notice," the professor told the class, "Cassius' choice of imagery when he asks, 'Upon what meat doth our Caesar feed that he is grown so great?'"

The correct punctuation for quotes and quotes within quotes in the U.S. is as follows:

"Notice," the professor told the class, "Cassius' choice of imagery when he asks, 'Upon what meat doth our Caesar feed that he is grown so great?'"

The sentence you provided is an example of correct punctuation for quotes and quotes within quotes in the U.S. Typically, when including a quote within a larger quote, you use single quotation marks (' ') to enclose the smaller quote. For example, in the sentence you provided, the professor is quoted as saying, "'Cassius' choice of imagery when he asks, 'Upon what meat doth our Caesar feed that he is grown so great?'"

To find supporting evidence or additional information about this quote from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" and its significance, you can follow these steps:

1. Copy the quote: "Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed that he is grown so great?"
2. Open a web browser and go to a search engine, such as Google.
3. In the search bar, paste the copied quote and click on the search button.
4. Review the search results to find relevant articles, essays, or analyses that discuss the quote and its significance. It is often helpful to include the name of the play or the author's name to narrow down the search results.
5. Click on the most reliable and informative sources, such as reputable educational websites, literary journals, or scholarly articles.
6. Read and analyze the sources to understand the context, meaning, and significance of the quote. Look for explanations, interpretations, or discussions about the specific imagery used by Cassius and its implications in the play.
7. Take notes or extract relevant information from the sources to support your understanding or analysis of the quote.

In this specific case, the link you provided ( leads to a question posted on Yahoo Answers. While Yahoo Answers can sometimes contain helpful information, it is generally advisable to consult more reputable sources, such as academic publications or reputable literary websites, for reliable information and analysis.