Article III of the Constitution creates the judicial branch. This article:

A. grants Congress the authority to establish lower federal courts as it deems fit.
B. prohibits states from creating their own judicial systems.
C. establishes a Supreme Court and grants it the authority to establish any necessary lower courts.
D. sets up the entire federal court system and establishes its jurisdiction.
E. allows Congress to establish the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

Be sure to read all three sections, and then let us know what you think. Someone here will let you know if you're right.


A is the only answer choice that makes sense to me.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine Article III of the United States Constitution and its three sections.

Article III begins by establishing the judicial branch of the federal government. Section 1 establishes the Supreme Court as the highest court in the land, but does not explicitly mention the creation of lower federal courts.

Next, Section 2 outlines the jurisdiction of the federal courts, including the types of cases they can hear. It grants the Supreme Court original jurisdiction in certain specific cases (such as those involving ambassadors or disputes between states), but also allows Congress to make exceptions and regulate the court's appellate jurisdiction.

Finally, Section 3 defines treason and establishes the requirements for conviction.

Given this information, we can eliminate answer choices B, C, D, and E because they do not accurately reflect the content of Article III.

Answer choice A correctly identifies that Article III grants Congress the authority to establish lower federal courts as it deems fit. This authority is derived from Section 1, which establishes the judicial power of the United States "in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Therefore, the correct answer is A.

It is important to note that while Article III provides the foundational framework for the federal court system, subsequent laws enacted by Congress have established the specific structure and jurisdiction of the federal courts.