How do you rotate an figure on grid paper?

u draw it in a piece of paper and turn it clockwise

To rotate a figure on grid paper, you will need a few steps:

1. Draw the original figure on the grid paper.
2. Choose a point on the figure that will act as the "pivot" or center of rotation.
3. Place the tip of a compass or pencil on the pivot point.
4. Keeping the pivot point fixed, rotate the compass or pencil in a clockwise direction to the desired angle of rotation.
5. As you rotate the compass or pencil, make small marks or dots to trace the new positions of the vertices or points of the figure.
6. Once you have made marks for all the vertices or points, connect them to form the new rotated figure.

Remember, the pivot point is the only point that doesn't move during the rotation. All other points will move around this pivot point in a circular motion as you rotate the figure.

It's important to note that the angle of rotation will determine how the figure changes. A 90-degree rotation will turn the figure a quarter turn, a 180-degree rotation will turn it half a turn, and a 360-degree rotation will bring it back to its original position.

By following these steps, you can successfully rotate a figure on grid paper.