Help. Am I right or wrong. The use of a plant crop to harness the sun's energy for conversion to energy sources is termed ___________ Bioconversion?

Check these sites for your answer.

Thanks for the web sites but I am still confused. I thought the answer was bioconversion but now I'm not sure. You led me to believe that it is photosynthesis.

Your answer isn't bioconversion. The first site defines photosynthesis as "Through the process of photosynthesis, plants harness the sun's energy and in so doing make many forms of life -- including human life -- possible." Doesn't that definition make photosynthesis the best term for your question?

Thank you. I don't know why I couldn't grasp on to that answer. It just seemed too easy.

No problem! Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. Photosynthesis is indeed the term used to describe the process by which plants harness the sun's energy and convert it into energy sources. It is a crucial process that not only sustains the plant's own growth but also forms the basis for the food chain and provides oxygen for other organisms. So in this case, the correct answer is photosynthesis.