Consider the following scenario: You work for a company that manufacturers skateboards. Until now your company has only sold their skateboards domestically, but now the CEO is interested in exporting the skateboards to Australia. The CEO asks you to design a Microsoft PowerPoint ®®presentation to present at the next board of directors’ meeting. This presentation will serve to educate the directors in the matters of foreign investment and international investment theory. At the end of the presentation, you must make a recommendation of whether or not you think the company should enter the foreign market and support your decision with solid information. • Create a 5-to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint ®®presentation that includes detailed speaker’s notes. The presentation must meet all of the requirements set forth in the above scenario.

What is your question about this assignment?

Consider the following scenario: You work for a company that manufacturers skateboards. Until now your company has only sold their skateboards domestically, but now the CEO is interested in exporting the skateboards to Australia. The CEO asks you to design a Microsoft PowerPoint ®®presentation to present at the next board of directors’ meeting. This presentation will serve to educate the directors in the matters of foreign investment and international investment theory. At the end of the presentation, you must make a recommendation of whether or not you think the company should enter the foreign market and support your decision with solid information. • Create a 5-to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint ®®presentation that includes detailed speaker’s notes. The presentation must meet all of the requirements set forth in the above scenario

To create a 5-to-7-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes detailed speaker's notes and meets all the requirements of the scenario, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Requirements
Read the scenario carefully and make sure you understand the key points. Identify the main objectives of the presentation, such as educating the directors on foreign investment and international investment theory, and making a recommendation on entering the Australian market.

Step 2: Plan the Presentation
Before diving into the PowerPoint software, it is important to plan your presentation. Outline the main topics you want to cover and the key points you want to convey in each slide. Consider the logical flow of information and ensure a clear and concise structure.

Step 3: Create Slides
Open PowerPoint on your computer and start creating slides based on your outline. Keep in mind the 5-to-7-slide requirement and try to focus on the most essential information. Each slide should have a clear purpose, whether it's introducing a concept, presenting data, or providing supporting evidence.

Step 4: Use Visuals Effectively
Incorporate visuals, such as charts, graphs, or images, to enhance your presentation's visual appeal and convey information more effectively. Use relevant and high-quality visuals that support the content and help the directors understand the concepts better.

Step 5: Add Speaker's Notes
After creating the slides, add detailed speaker's notes. These notes should provide additional information, explanations, and talking points for each slide. Speaker's notes ensure that you have all the necessary details to deliver a thorough presentation and help you stay organized while presenting.

Step 6: Review and Revise
Proofread your slides and speaker's notes to ensure clarity, correctness, and consistency. Check for any errors or inconsistencies and make necessary revisions. Pay attention to formatting, grammar, and spelling to present a professional-looking presentation.

Step 7: Make a Recommendation
The last step is to make a recommendation at the end of the presentation based on solid information. This recommendation should be supported by relevant data, market research, and analysis. Be clear and concise in explaining the rationale behind your recommendation and highlight the potential benefits and risks of entering the Australian market.

By following these steps, you can create a 5-to-7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that meets all the requirements mentioned in the scenario.