Roger purchases two doughnuts and three cookies at a doughnut shop and is charged $3.30. Sam purchases five doughnuts and two cookies at the same shop for $4.95. All the doughnuts have the same price and all the cookies have the same price. Find the cost of one doughnut and find the cost of one cookie.

If you can

3c + 1d =3.30
2c + 5d = 4.95
Now solve by substitution.
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I'm sorry, but I am unable to visit external websites. However, I can help you solve the problem using substitution.

Let's solve the system of equations:

1. 3c + 1d = 3.30
2. 2c + 5d = 4.95

We can start by solving equation 1 for c:

3c + 1d = 3.30
3c = 3.30 - 1d
c = (3.30 - d)/3

Now we substitute this value of c into equation 2:

2(3.30 - d)/3 + 5d = 4.95
(6.60 - 2d)/3 + 5d = 4.95
Multiply through by 3 to get rid of the fraction:

6.60 - 2d + 15d = 14.85
13d = 8.25
d = 8.25/13
d ≈ 0.6346

Now we substitute the value of d back into equation 1 to find c:

3c + 1(0.6346) = 3.30
3c + 0.6346 = 3.30
3c = 3.30 - 0.6346
3c = 2.6654
c ≈ 0.8885

So, the cost of one doughnut is approximately $0.8885 and the cost of one cookie is approximately $0.6346.