The United States emitted 19.5 million t of nitrogen oxides

(NO) into the atmosphere in 1987. One metric ton (1 t) equals 1,000 kg. How many
kilograms of NO were emitted to the atmosphere in the United States during 1987?

Assuming the 19.5 tons were metric tons then take
19,500,000 times 1000 to get your answer. Just add 3 zeros anf set the commas.


To calculate the amount of NO emitted in kilograms, you need to convert the metric tons into kilograms. Since 1 metric ton equals 1000 kilograms, you can multiply the given value of 19.5 million metric tons by 1000.

19.5 million metric tons * 1000 = 19,500,000,000 kilograms

Therefore, 19,500,000,000 kilograms of NO were emitted into the atmosphere in the United States during 1987.

To find the answer, we first need to understand the conversion between metric tons and kilograms. We are given that 1 metric ton (t) is equal to 1,000 kilograms (kg).

The question states that the United States emitted 19.5 million tons of nitrogen oxides (NO) into the atmosphere in 1987. We can assume that these tons are metric tons (t).

To convert this value to kilograms, we need to multiply the number of metric tons by 1,000.

So, 19.5 million tons * 1,000 kg/ton = 19,500,000,000 kg.

Therefore, the United States emitted 19,500,000,000 kilograms of nitrogen oxides (NO) into the atmosphere in 1987.