
your question probably says 'simplify'

multiply top and bottom by (1-i)\(1-i) and remember that i^2 =-1


2i/(1+i) * (1-i)\(1-i)
= (2i - 2i^2)/(1-i^2)
= 2(i-i^2)/(1+1)

To simplify the expression 2i/(1+i), we can multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator, which is (1-i).

By doing this, we eliminate the imaginary unit i in the denominator and simplify the expression.

So, let's proceed:

2i / (1+i) * (1-i) / (1-i)

Now, let's simplify each part step by step:

2i * (1-i) = 2i - 2i^2

We know that i^2 is equal to -1, so substituting that in:
2i - 2(-1) = 2i + 2

(1+i) * (1-i) = 1 - i + i - i^2 = 1 - i + i - (-1) = 1 - (-1) = 1 + 1 = 2

Now, let's combine the simplified numerator and denominator:

(2i + 2) / 2

We can simplify this further by dividing both terms in the numerator by 2:

(2i/2) + (2/2) = i + 1

So, the simplified expression is i + 1.