Who made the first vegetable flavored ice cream and what flavor was it?

To find out who made the first vegetable flavored ice cream and what flavor it was, we can start by conducting a simple search.

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. Type in the query: "first vegetable flavored ice cream and its flavor."
3. Look through the search results for reliable sources that provide information on the topic.
4. Check reputable websites such as historical food blogs, culinary history archives, or articles from food-related publications.
5. Scan the search results and click on the most credible and trustworthy sources.
6. Read the information provided in the chosen source to find the answer to the question.

Given the specificity of the question, it may take some searching to find a direct answer. It's important to critically evaluate the sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.